

My oven has been acting up since last March. The part that we need to repair it has been backordered on every site for several months now and the cost to replace a double oven is out of the question at this time. It started to really get to me lately. As it gets colder, my desire to use my oven to make some of our favorite meals only grows. Today, as I watched the snow come down and felt the chill in the air, I longed for some meatloaf. I went food shopping and to my surprise the local food store has a meal they offer every week and today was meatloaf Monday. To be honest, it was even better than my own recipe so not only did we get to enjoy meatloaf but I bought a frozen apple pie I was able to heat up in the oven roaster I bought over the weekend to cook my Thanksgiving turkey.

This is a reminder that little setbacks are nothing more than a temporary roadblock. When the path seems blocked, don’t despair. Find another route that will get you to the destination you desire. When everything and everyone tries to convince you you can’t, look them straight in the eye and say, “oh yes I can!” Where there is a will, there will always be a way.

Waiting to hear your thoughts....