If You Do This, STOP!


For the most part, the blogging community makes me feel warm and fuzzy and very happy. It’s a friendly, supportive bunch of people who genuinely respect and care about one another. There are those people though, and thankfully it’s a very small number who rapid fire “like” posts. I know at least for me, if you don’t want to read my posts then that is absolutely fine BUT if you aren’t reading them I would prefer someone not hit the like button. Most of us know that if there are 24 rapid fire likes from the same person but our number of reads does not increase, then you are obviously not reading. In fact I hate to say it but I almost find it insulting. I guess I would rather someone be honest and genuine than deceptive and fake. Who am I though? Is there anything that bugs you about bloggers? If so, what is it?

71 thoughts on “If You Do This, STOP!

  1. I agree about the rapid fire liking. I suppose my one big frustration isn’t with other bloggers but with WPs new interface. Some posts don’t drive readers to your site. That bugs me. Not that it is all important, and most know that the algorhythm for that stats bar is pretty unreliable. Just the same I work on my site, it’s nice to think people see it. lol.

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  2. I kindly disagree! While I don’t regularly like, like, like, there are times when I do. For example, when I was on a recent break, I came back with time to like, comment, and follow. Sometimes my likes just let people know I’m staying connected, that I’m alive lol. I wrote more on this topic here http://familylovedoesmore.com/2015/05/11/im-in-like-and-i-dont-care-who-knows-it-thoughts-on-the-like-button-in-social-media/ I honestly can’t think of a think that bugs me about bloggers. I’m just happy that folks jump into this arena and give their best. Wait, just thought of something, I don’t think that bloggers rarely need to apologize. You know, “I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile…” and the like. We’re all doing the best we can and that’s awesome.

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      • Ha, no! But I admit, I have a few followers who do and…I love it! I hear my phone dinging in a certain way and I think, “That’s so-and-so”! And some of these “likers” really kept my moral up in the early days of blogging. Dear Lord I would rather a bunch of random likes than silence. My biggest surprise is getting to know some “likers” by name. Many of them are really nice folks who are in the habit of liking. It’s their way to connect. It’s personal that way.

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      • I am not an expert, but I think the rapid fire likes are from the reader. I get them too. I don’t use the reader I go to each site individually and read/like or comment. I am only guessing here since I don’t use the reader, but I will get a bunch in a row and if you look at the time it is all the same time too. Not enough time to open a page, read, like, comment and move on to the next one.

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      • Yes you inspired bloggers to comment and you aren’t the first one in the last month or so to make this comment and stir everyone up. Good luck to you, but it hasn’t changed in all the time I have seen the same comments blogged.

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      • Most likely to everyone. I don’t worry about it. I just write on my blog and accept what comes. I don’t even check stats. I know I have plenty of followers I don’t care for exactly how many comments, likes etc. It is hard enough keeping up with all the followers I do have to comment back on.


  3. You hit on my one and only blogging pet peeve. If I just published an 800 word post I inevitably get a handful of likes within seconds. It makes me chuckle a bit when the number of likes far outnumbers the views on a post, but what can you do? I do not mind the like on its own, as there are times when I do not have a specific comment to add, but I want the author to know that I was there and read the post.

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  4. I totally agree with you!! I only “like” the posts if I have read them. I also only follow those who I enjoy following. I hate it when people follow me because they want their number of followers to increase, but then they unfollow me after a week later.

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  5. The “LIke” button seems to have different meanings to different people. I am like you. In my mind a “Like” should correspond with what I’ve written, but if the viewer has not read it then what does the “Like” signify? Perhaps the blogger enjoyed the title, or read a few lines and was intrigued. Or maybe the picture that goes along with the post was what caught their eye. I try to keep these things in mind when the “Likes” roll in. 🙂

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  6. I don’t press the like button unless I genuinely enjoy the post. Political posts really get my goat though. OH and religious ones. It’s one thing to be passionate about a topic, but the kind that are radical tend to make me click the X.

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  7. I’m fairly new to blogging and I’m learning things from fellow bloggers and followers daily. If someone likes a post of mine it pushes me to view their blog and get to know them through it. I would hope that if someone hits the like button that they have read my post. I have never just liked someone’s post without first reading it. I didn’t actually realise there were so many hidden rules in the blogging world but I’m learning daily.

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    • I am just like you, new to blogging and need the motivation! But I always wonder and ask in my posts for suggestions etc to improve my blog and when I just get a like that doesn’t answer my questions. Getting comments really makes my day, I love interacting with readers. I’m also learning new things every day let’s see where this will take us😊

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  8. I like is to mean I enjoy reading the posts. When I have feedback then I give comments. Some posts are too short and you can read the whole content. The problem with WordPress is to allow likes without increasing visitor counts. That’s what I realize in my blog and my friends’ too.

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  9. Exactly the thing that irritates me! I see so many likes on one of my photo blogs, in which I disable the ability of people to view my full post in the reader or any feed, yet only one or two have actually gone to the blog and read the post. I post more than just the picture. There’s enough written in the post so that it doesn’t all appear in the reader. And it’s always the same people who merely like the post without actually going into the blog and reading it. But on my main blog, I have one person who goes through 10-15 posts and likes them all without me seeing any increase in the number of views. I don’t think she really reads anyone’s blog.

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  10. Just Plain Ol' Vic

    I used to wonder about all my “silent” followers but now as long as I have a core group that is active with me, I am content.

    One thing that it took me awhile to realize is that, due to the focus on my blog (mental health) I would never have thousands of followers. I also accept that the activity of my followers is directly linked to their mental health. I have gained and lost quite a few and it looks like my blog will never get off that ride.

    Usually for me if I “like” the post but have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation, I try not to type some bulls**t.


    • Sticking my nose in again. Sorry! I have a blog that is mental health related, but it has other subjects on it as well and not all things are for everybody, but I am over 500 followers in 6 months. I grow a bit everyday. I am not bragging. I am just saying it is possible to get thousands of followers with hard work and a healthy blog. I post more than once a day. I actually have 2 blogs that are growing rapidly. I post fiction and non-fiction stories on both. It is just what I have done and it works. Certainly not for everybody. I also don’t type bull just to have a comment. I will like and comment if it means something to me or to comfort another human being in their times of stress. I can sympathize because I have mental and physical disorders and plenty of them. That is why I am not working a “real” job, but am able to blog so much. I rest and then move on. Thanks for letting me break in here. — Tessa (advocate for invisible illnesses)

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  11. I do not personally have any problems with any of my 6 web sites. Word press has a lot of issues and I do not pay attention to stats too much. More important is anyone who comments I love to return a comment. If I follow and wish to comment I certainly will. I do not have a problem with a bloggers!

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  12. I notice that I can read and like some posts without actually clicking on them. I do always read posts that I “like”. Now I’m wondering if I need to click on them anyway so they will show up as read.

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  13. itsjustlittleoldme

    I agree, kind of. I like the notifications that people ‘like’ my post but I do prefer it if I think they’ve actually read what I’ve written.
    I’ve had a few bloggers recently that have just gone through and liked a tonne of posts – that’s annoying because no other stat goes up. I guess I like the attention. After all, I blog so people read it. I’m pretty sure most people do.
    Other than that though, I’m not really sure what else bugs me on here.

    It’s great finding new blogs though!


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  14. some posts are just too long…it’s a ADHD-thing…usually i skim on past the posts that are too long…if i want to let people know “i’m alive” i’ll post that…i often wonder if people really like my rants…esp. my video posts…

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  15. Arlee Bird

    I don’t think a post should be “liked” unless it has been read and actually appreciated. We need honesty and not just empty back-slapping.

    My biggest peeve is that so many blogger on different platforms (eg–Wordpress vs Blogger) are unwilling to cross comment. I’ve managed to learn to comment on WP so why can’t more of the WP bloggers comment on Blogger?

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

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