
I learned today that the truth does eventually come shining through. Life would be so much better if we were all just honest from the start. Unfortunately, that is not always the case so we must learn to be patient and navigate around any obstacles that tend to show up. Fighting lies does not do anyone any good because a liar is never going to admit their lies aren’t the truth. So we have no choice but to sit back and wait for them to eventually stumble over their own words.

I am pleased to say I survived another school meeting today. I was able to stay calm and just tell the story the way it is with no need to become defensive or prove any point. When something was entirely misconstrued I simply chuckled to myself because really there was nothing else necessary to do. Having a mediator  made all the difference. There was no room for pointing fingers, passing insults, or intimidation. We simply just told our story and since I have been living it for three years, it was pretty easy to do.

Remember, always speak your truth even when your mouth becomes so dry that your teeth stick to your lips. Eventually you will remember to bring a water bottle and everything really will be okay. Always do the right thing even when no one is watching, because in all honesty, there is always someone who is watching. Be a mentor, an example of what you want  to see more of in this world and at the end of the day, smile to yourself because you know, even when it seemed extremely hard, you have always done your part. 

10 thoughts on “

  1. That’s great! I’m so glad, for you, that you didn’t have to resort to flexing your parental muscle. Hope it continues. Be vigilant though, as I’m sure you know. A win for your child is the ultimate goal, no matter how it comes to be. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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  2. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    I am very grateful to read this at this point in my life. I have run into so many situations where people are lying and since I don’t like to fight or argue, a lot of times these people win. Though I have discovered, as you say, that many times someone is watching, or at least they are watching my back!
    It would be nice if we could all be like Abe Lincoln and always tell the truth no matter the consequences, but there seems to be a trend started where even our politicians are lying these days. Or the people behind the politicians are lying (Karl Rove is a perfect example!).
    I guess all we can do is quietly “speak our truth” and hope someone has been paying attention.
    Thanks for a great post! ๐Ÿ˜‰ โค
    Peace, love & understanding,
    Sherrie Miranda's historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel โ€œSecrets & Lies in El Salvadorโ€ is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:

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