And It’s Done


Have you even accomplished something you thought you couldn’t do alone? I know it’s a little bit early but today I got the artificial Christmas tree up all by myself. I know it doesn’t sound like a difficult feat but being only five feet tall, I am somewhat challenged. Not only did I get the tree up and the lights on but I also managed to get the bow on the top. I guess it’s true, where there’s a will there’s a way and once we set out mind to getting something done, it’s as good as done. 

What have you done recently that you didn’t think you were capable of?

11 thoughts on “And It’s Done

  1. Hey, just because you’re only 5′ tall doesn’t mean you don’t pack a punch. My wife is 5′ tall, at least she claims to be, but boy, big things come in small packages! She likes to say she’s not short, she’s fun-sized. 😃

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