When’s the Last Time You Stepped on the Scale?


Sometimes you have to have the courage to step on the scale. How in the world could you possibly know if you are reaching your goals if you don’t take the opportunity to be honest with yourself about how your doing? It’s easy to wander around aimlessly claiming to strive for a specific end result but if we don’t evaluate the steps we are taking to get there, wandering around is all we may ever achieve. Which brings me back to why I stepped on the scale in the first place.

I have been doing workout challenges for two months now. I went from basically laying on the couch to working out hard for short increments every single day. I feel great. My body has changed and more importantly my mind has transformed. I feel strong and confident and committed until I stepped on the scale. All that hard work disappeared in one short moment. That could have been it for me. That could have been the moment in time I allowed myself the excuse to duck out and quit. Guess what? That’s not happening. Instead, I was able to get real with myself and admit the truth. Yes I have been working out consistently hard but guess what? I have been eating consistently hard as well. So today I am committing myself to both working out and maintaining healthy eating. I have been very successful in both but never at the same time. So, my new challenge is to put it all together and get the best results I have ever seen.

The lesson here is to check in with yourself. Whether it’s weight related or any other type of goal. Make sure the steps you are taking will put you on the path that will lead to you successfully achieving your goal.

8 thoughts on “When’s the Last Time You Stepped on the Scale?

  1. Having weight issues since my early twenties, I finally seem to have found something that works for me. Everyone is different, but eating wisely and regular exercise has to have benefits. Bear in mind that muscle weighs heavier than fat, so as the body tones up, the pounds may not be falling off as fast as you’d like. Good luck. Think positive, and go for it! 🙂

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  2. Just Plain Ol' Vic

    We do not have a scale in our house. My wife is still battling an eating disorder and a scale can be a trigger for regression. We are learning together to love our bodies as they are yet understand how to make healthy lifestyle choices.

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