If I Had A Tagline


Today’s prompt from the Daily Post: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_prompt/tagline/

Often, our blogs have taglines. But what if humans did, too? What would your tagline be? 

I searched some familiar taglines and I could identify with many of them. I think what sets me apart from many is the way I see things and the way I am constantly striving to actively see things in a new way or a different perspective perhaps. So, I would choose the tagline THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.

Don’t get sucked into media influence or following the crowd. Think things through and soul search until your mind is comfortable with how to think best for you. Be a leader, an innovator, blaze your own trail and if the path seems exciting, slowly people will follow. Be comfortable doing you no matter what the consequence,

What would your tagline be? Mine is JUST DO YOU. My soul is what matters most so I will think, behave and act in a way that suits my soul and have no concern for what anyone else thinks of me. Be accountable for who you are and lead by example.

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