Yes, Actually I Do Judge A Book By Its Cover


I’m very spontaneous, especially when it comes to reading. I am usually enticed by the title and that’s what draws me in. This is the most recent pick. People Can’t Drive You Crazy If You Don’t Give Them The Keys by Mike Brechtle. I wish I read it years ago. It is really convincing me to look at my interactions and relationships in a new way. I have a passion for self help books. It’s ridiculous yet I am constantly evolving and a little help along the way never hurts anyone. 

What is the last book you decided to pick up and read just from looking at the cover?

6 thoughts on “Yes, Actually I Do Judge A Book By Its Cover

  1. That is a ridiculously long title.

    You seem to be convinced by whatever advice was given to you last, like a ship with a new captain every week. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Yes, I see your passion to be the next TV guru.

    It’s been a long time since I picked up a book from the cover. I would say the last one was back in the 1980s, a pick-a-path book by Steven Jackson. Since then, I’ve only picked up books with interests I seek. I’ve picked up art/drawing and astrology books which didn’t have stellar covers but good stuff inside when I flipped through. In the case of astrology books, I feel self-conscious trying to study one in a store. So, I either jot down the title to look for it in a library or have to buy it.

    But, I value covers immensely. If an author can’t give their book a good title and cover, I tend to disregard it. Which is probably why I never pick up those expensive hardcovers with the author’s name in HUUUUGE letters and not much else on the jacket. I hate covers slathered in “Gene Boxoffice of the New York Sunnyside up says Hildegard Housewife really knows how to write a mystery. Five stars!”


  2. the-reluctant-parent

    I have purchased cds based on the about text on bandcamp, the last one was by Elizabeth Feldon called ‘Winter is a Warm Coat”. I just love music with a winter theme and I have several compositions with that theme as well.

    Here’s an example of one.

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