Yes, Actually I Do Judge A Book By Its Cover


I’m very spontaneous, especially when it comes to reading. I am usually enticed by the title and that’s what draws me in. This is the most recent pick. People Can’t Drive You Crazy If You Don’t Give Them The Keys by Mike Brechtle. I wish I read it years ago. It is really convincing me to look at my interactions and relationships in a new way. I have a passion for self help books. It’s ridiculous yet I am constantly evolving and a little help along the way never hurts anyone. 

What is the last book you decided to pick up and read just from looking at the cover?

You’re So Vague


I was walking through Forever 21 today when a gray shirt with big black letters grabbed my attention. The shirt read “You’re So Vague”. I had to chuckle to myself because of the few incidences that have occurred in the not too distant past.

Lately I find myself surrounded by people that have absolutely no idea of what is going on. We can sit in a room and come up with a plan but there is always that one person who didn’t quite follow. It’s happened four times in one week for me. Just this morning, although my husband has driven my daughter to swim practice every single morning except yesterday because we visited a water-park, he was completely caught off guard at 7:15 when my daughter burst into the bedroom announcing she had to leave then or she was going to be late. His response was something about not knowing she was going today. Why on Earth would she not be going? What would be the reason?

It seems that the ones who are clueless are the ones who think everyone else around is not being clear about the plan. Perhaps they believe that it is others that are too vague. I say this. If you do not know what the plan is then you should be the one to ask and clarify. How can you simply think it is everybody else when you are the only one out of the handful of people involved that has no idea what is going on?

I do a lot of soul searching. My goal is to constantly achieve self-improvement. When you are focused on improving the little things that you know you need to change then maybe you can stop looking around at others and assuming the fault must lie with them.

Life has a funny way of giving you a nudge when there is a lesson to learn. The fact that I looked up and and saw this simple shirt was a reminder to me to share my lesson. I will try and validate that everyone is clear about the plan and I can only hope that the clueless will make more effort to be more proactive in finding out what really is going on.